As AI technology matures, it’s likely that we will see the number of frameworks increase. This page consists of a collection of frameworks and international standards specifically about AI or in areas that are connected to it. The aim is to make it easier for you to choose frameworks that fit your particular use case.
Want to learn more about AI regulation that is focused on particular jurisdiction? Take a look at our free Global AI Regulations Map.
One question that you might have is how does this ‘fit’ into the work Fairly AI does? These frameworks are the kinds of documents that provide the foundation from which we build policies. Each policy is built up of individual controls which act as individual ‘questions’ about a particular issue in AI or other areas connected to it. When you use our system, you can choose an answer and provide evidence to support your answer. We then categorize our controls based on the AI lifecycle.
What this means is that for a given area, such as ‘development’ or ‘validation’, we can see where gaps exist across a number of different policies.What that tells us is that the source documents for policy (e.g. regulations, standards, and frameworks) have gaps. Since we are able to detect those gaps, we are better equipped to help you choose a series of policies that fit your use case.
We update the list below as we come across new frameworks and standards in the AI space, you can make suggestions on our GitHub and please don't forget to give us a star if you find our work useful!
Looking to operationalize a responsible AI framework? Work with Fairly to build your policy control center!
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