Fairly AI Oversight and Risk Analytics PlatformTM

Fast AI with Assurance, Integrity, and Reliability for comprehensive AI governance, risk and compliance management for cross-functional teams across organizations.

Key capabilities

Simple & easy to use

The Fairly Control CentreTM

Automatically map regulations & policies to Fairly ControlsTM and monitor AI models for compliance.

Get AI audits at any time

Auditors can work faster with access to real-time instantaneous reports.

Continuous visibility

Use reports to document, maintain, and track all AI projects for continuous visibility.

Key capabilities

Collaboration at the core


Make cross-collaboration across policy, compliance, risk, and data science a reality with Fairly.

Parallel governance

Minimize cross-team friction with Fairly’s Parallel Governance Layer that removes the need for real-time data science involvement.

Continuous checkpoints

Enable risk & compliance teams to independently insert continuous AI checkpoints and automate the process.

Key capabilities

Move fast with control


Automate standard and advanced oversight for AI projects using the SR 11-7 and ALTAI frameworks.


Enable procurement teams to vet external AI solutions fast and mitigate compliance risk.

Time savings

Save up to 30% of time needed to perform AI audit and testing.


Working with tools and partners you already know and love.

Want to get started with safe & compliant AI adoption?

Schedule a call with one of our experts to see how Fairly can help