LLM Quality Control with Fairly AI Red-Teaming-in-a-BoxTM

Comprehensive testing covering all critical areas of performance, risk and compliance in a single standardized system so your AI projects can get approval from pilots to production in days not months.


Get up and running in minutes

Start with our SaaS solution fast

While you are evaluating generative AI and LLM use cases, having a solution in place for testing, quality control and compliance requirements management is proper risk management for any AI projects. Our Simple Start package is just that - tailored for teams that are just beginning on their AI journey so it is a no-brainer to have proper testing processes in place for cross-team collaboration from day one. You can get a free trial on Azure Marketplace today!

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Or one-click Azure private cloud deployment

Customers operate in highly regulated industries have strict access control requirements. By providing you with the ability to manage the Fairly platform via Microsoft Azure's Customer Managed App directly,  your team can remain in control of the deployed infrastructure and reduce the deployment time from days to minutes. More info here: Azure Application deployment modes


Apply Policies & Controls

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The Most Flexible Policy Marketplace

Fairly's automated Policy Advisor Engine recommends out-of-the-box policies and controls or you can configure custom policies for your specific needs in minutes without IT overheads.

Out-of-the-box policies include:
ISO Standards


OWASP Top 10
Microsoft Responsible AI Framework
NIST AI Risk Management Framework
NIST Cybersecurity Framework
Fair Lending Assessments
NYC Local Law 144 AEDT Assessments
And many more...

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Fairly AI Red-Teaming-in-a-BoxTM

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AI Inventory (aka AI Catalog or AI Registry)

Set up your AI governance process with an AI inventory system mapped to pre-defined and custom policies.

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Continuous testing and monitoring

Your team can test and monitor out-of-the-box and custom controls in a repeatable, scalable process for continuous compliance with a privacy preserving option built-in.

Mobile Reports - Saasy Webflow Template
Dynamic reporting

Your team can generate reports to document, maintain, and track all controls for continuous visibility anytime for any audience without the need to go through IT.

Want to get started with safe & compliant AI adoption?

Schedule a call with one of our experts to see how Fairly can help